Sunday, June 18, 2023

Pomegranate Chicken


I have been eyeing some pomegranates dangling from a neighbour's tree, which grow well here in Perth with our cool winters and hot summers.  Looking plump and promising on the outside, they are a marvel when cut open revealing tight clusters of red fleshy seeds or arils, like little precious jewels.  Used often in Middle Eastern cuisine, the arils have a tart taste with some sweetness behind it.  Spectacular when sprinkled on top of sweet or savoury dishes just before serving.  This pomegranate chicken is a winner in looks and taste.  Baked in the oven with pomegranate juice, pomegranate molasses, honey and balsamic vinegar, the chicken is tender and juicy with a delicate sweet and tangy flavour and a dark caramelised appearance.  Use chicken thighs with bones in and skins on for best results.  I make my own pomegranate molasses from bottled pomegranate juice, but you can also get them from the shops.

Serves 4-6

  • 1 pomegranate (to extract ½ cup of its arils and ⅓ cup of its juice)
  • 1kg / 2lb 3oz chicken thighs, bones in and skin on
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • ½ cup pomegranate molasses
  • ¼ cup honey
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 3 tablespoons flat-leaf parsley, chopped
  • sea salt
  • freshly ground black pepper
Pomegranate molasses:
  • 4 cups bottled pomegranate juice
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

  1. Cut the pomegranate in half on a chopping board.  Gently squeeze each half to release the juice and arils into a sieve over a large bowl.  Break each half apart and pop remaining arils from the white pith with your fingers.  Once you've extracted all the arils, allow to stand in the sieve to drain any more juice.  Pick out and discard any remaining white pith from the arils.  Pour the juice into a jug.  You need ½ cup of arils and ⅓ cup of juice for this recipe.
  2. Pat chicken dry with a paper towel and place them in a large bowl.  Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Whisk together olive oil, pomegranate molasses, pomegranate juice, honey, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice and garlic.  Pour the mixture over the chicken and spread it around until evenly coated.  Let chicken marinade in the fridge for 1 hour, turning once.
  4. Take the chicken out of the fridge to bring back to room temperature.  Arrange them snuggly in a single layer in a roasting pan and pour the marinade over.  Bake in a preheated 180°C/350°F oven for 30 minutes, or until the chicken has cooked through and their skins have turned dark brown and crispy.
  5. Garnish with pomegranate arils and chopped parsley.  Serve warm with rice or potatoes, or a salad.
To make pomegranate molasses:
  1. In a large saucepan, place pomegranate juice, sugar and lemon juice.  Cook over medium heat, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved.
  2. Reduce the heat to maintain a simmer for about 45 minutes, stirring constantly, until the juice has thickened into a syrup. (Makes a little over 1 cup)
  3. Let the syrup cool slightly before pouring it into a clean jar.  When cooled completely, seal with a lid and store in the fridge. 

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