All About Rice

My penchant for rice and rice dishes is probably quite obvious in this blog.  There are so many varieties of rice and so many delicious ways of cooking them.  For plain long grain rice, which is the staple of the Chinese diet, you can cook them perfectly using a rice cooker or a microwave oven following manufacturer's instructions.  Without these appliances, you can cook them in a saucepan by the absorption method as follows:

How to cook plain rice by absorption method
  1. Fill a large bowl with 1 cup of long grain rice and enough cold water to completely submerge.  Use your hand to gently swirl the rice around to rinse.  Pour off the starchy water.  Repeat two or three times until the water runs clear.  
  2. Place rice in a medium  saucepan and add 2 cups of water or to 2.5cm / 1" above the rice, which is about the distance between the top of the rice and the first joint of your index finger if you'd like to measure it that way.
  3. Cook rice uncovered over medium heat until water above rice is evaporated, about 15 minutes, leaving little bubbling craters on top.
  4. Cover the saucepan with a lid and reduce heat to simmer for 5 minutes.  The rice is done when all the water has been absorbed and the bottom of the pan is quite dry.  
  5. Remove from heat and let the rice rest in the lidded saucepan for 5 minutes.  Fluff up the rice with a fork before serving.
*1 cup of uncooked rice yields about 3 cups of cooked rice.

Measuring the amount of water required using your index finger

Let rice bubble in an uncovered saucepan over medium heat

Time to turn the heat down and cover with a lid when water above rice 
has evaporated leaving little bubbling craters

Rice is ready to be served after resting for 5 minutes and
fluffed with a fork

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