Friday, January 20, 2023

Pork Chops with Peaches & Sage


Sage are growing in abundance at the farm where I visit each week; stone fruits from Perth hills are just coming into season; there happens to be a few pork chops in the freezer.  There is no better time to put them all together in this quick dinner dish.  I use white peaches which are less acidic than the yellow variety but white nectarines also work.  Lightly braised in white wine with the pork, they become beautifully sweet and aromatic.  I love sage for their strong, slightly minty, musky flavour.  They just go so well with pork, complementing each other.  I suggest serving this with boiled potatoes and green beans.

Serves 2

  • 4 pork loin chops or cutlets
  • sea salt
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • ¼ cup sage leaves, roughly shredded
  • 2-3 firm by ripe white peaches
  • 1 cup white wine

  1. Stone the peaches and cut each into eight wedges.
  2. Trim off any excess fat from the pork chops.  Season them well with salt and pepper.
  3. Heat the butter and oil in a large heavy based frying pan in medium high heat until foaming.  Add the chops and cook for a few minutes until they are brown on one side.  Turn them over.
  4. Scatter over most of the sage leaves.  Reduce heat to medium.  Add the wine to the pan and let the it simmer for a minute until reduced to half.  
  5. Add the peaches to the pan.  Move them around into the spaces between the chops.  When the sauce looks syrupy, remove the pan from heat.  Cover the pan and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  6. Scatter the remaining sage leaves over the chops before serving.

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