Monday, January 23, 2023

Fluffy Ricotta Pancakes


We have pancakes (or pikelets as we sometimes call them in Australia) in our house more often than you think.  My husband John once lived on a barge on River Thames in his younger days when he was 'poor and penniless'.  The only food he could afford then were eggs, milk, flour and sugar, and he would often fill himself up with pancakes when there was not much else to eat.  That continues to be his favourite breakfast, other than the full English, of course.  I like my pancakes lusciously thick and fluffy, and the addition of ricotta cheese to the batter makes this happen.  A little grated lemon rind gives them a subtle citrusy flavour.  If you are making a stack of them, use a large frying pan or a griddle so you have plenty of room for manoeuvring, especially when flipping them over to cook the other side at the crucial moment.  An ice cream scoop with a release mechanism is perfect for handling the sticky batter.  Serve them with a drizzle of maple syrup and fresh berries.  (John would eat them with sugar sprinkled on top and a squirt of lemon.)

Makes 8-10

  • 2 eggs
  • ½ cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil (to go into the batter)
  • grated rind of 1 lemon
  • 125g / 4½ oz ricotta cheese
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • pinch of sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon butter or olive oil (to go onto the pan)
  • maple syrup and fresh berries, to serve

  1. In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, sugar, 1 teaspoon of oil, ricotta cheese and lemon rind.  
  2. Add flour, baking powder and salt.  Whisk until just combined.  The batter will be quite thick.  If you like your pancakes thinner and lighter, add a little more milk.
  3. Heat 1 teaspoon of butter or oil in a large non-stick frying pan or griddle over medium until hot.  Spread it around with a spatula.  Use a spoon or an ice cream scoop with a release mechanism to drop about ¼ cup of batter for each pancake onto your pan.  Cook for 1-2 minutes until the pancakes begin to rise and little bubbles form on top.
  4. Flip the pancakes to the other side and cook for another minute or so.  If the pancakes are browning too quickly, adjust your heat to medium low.  Try not to overcook them as they will become rubbery.
  5. Remove from pan.  Stack a few of them on a plate and serve with maple syrup and fresh berries.

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